Tuesday, April 05, 2005

they left without you.

the bike had no brakes and a wobbly front tire. 20 mins there and back was frightening as i missed getting hit by 2 cars, and nearly hit, yes, i nearly ran over 6 people trying to cross the street. my bike ride today was disastrous.

disastrous: 1. subject to or affected by disaster. 2. full of unfavorable stellar influence. 3 attended by or productive of suffering or disaster: very unfortunate.

ironically, i ran into goligorski as seamus and i were getting dinner (which was real good and we followed up with a free milkshake. he made the comment today "it's funny that we eat the most junkfood of all our friends, and exercise less than everyone, but we still look great." if you aren't jealous, you should be). we admired his bike, talked nunn, got permission to keep his gold watch, claimed he had nothing to do with fag (he was merely "thrown away"), compared physics classes, told the story of my preschool scooter wipe-out that landed me with a whole bunch of dirt in my underpants, and the subsequent minutes i spent with my hands down my pants trying to get it out at the playground today.

in other news, i may or may not have a panic disorder. i'm currently leaning towards may not because i'm not all that worried about school. perhaps my self induced cognitive behavioral therapy (drinking frequently) has helped.


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