Wednesday, November 09, 2005

apple cider and gin:

it's really not as bad as you think it's going to be!

1. i'm packing a bag for boston. i hate packing, so much. it never fails to make me irrationally anxious. the apple cider and gin helps, though.

2. i really want to watch chungking express, but the blockbuster near my house is out of it. if i remember correctly, though, this is the movie ex-roommate adam brown has TWO copies of. so maybe i can watch one (or BOTH?) this weekend.

3. this really, really nice guy said he would read p.g. wodehouse to me over the telephone until i fall asleep.

4. adam's non-boyfriend might get me a job as an "ethnographer." what this actually means is going to cheesy awful upper east side bars and asking men between 21 and 40 about their drinking preferences.

5. two job interviews in one day?!

6. the JAPAN PARTY. omg.


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