Saturday, April 09, 2005

do something pretty while you can [boyz]

i agree, the party was fun. i had too much to drink as always but it was seriously such a good mix of people i couldn't have felt better. i'm really glad greg, barry, and paul came even though my feelings got hurt. i'll grin and bear it. you know, i remember saying [emily heard it] "man i'd rather hang out with these guys than go home," and then literally like less than 3 minutes later paul basically told me to go home! so of course i had a dramatic exit, followed with phone calls, and tears just because i was intoxicated. i do a lot of crying while walking/driving places and it seems more cathartic than crying while stationary.

the boy to girl ratio was high in my favor, yet i left last night with no crush. am i losing it ? or am i okay alone ? actually i had a crush on paul until i realized he wouldn't like me. i guess he gets points for the attempted "finding me" outside though.

in other news, i'm givin up my clevo crush because he's terrible on the phone esp when im already feeling bad, has a girlfriend, and i'm finding no one is worth the LDCrush. i'm concerned no ones really worth the LDR either. eep. too bad we didn't go to denny's.'s spring. i'd settle for most anything.


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