Thursday, June 02, 2005

come on in, we haven't slept for weeks/ drink some of this, this'll put color in your cheeks.

jacq: come live with me. seriously. we will convert the living room into the kish room. or you can live on the back porch (we can totally fit a twinsize bed in there). you can even sleep in my bed, if you promise we can spoon. boston will be fun. we can "ride bikes" and maybe even "talk about philosophy." no but seriously it will be fun. we can bake cookies and screenprint and you will love the lions outside the house.

the other day, this really awesomely dorky guy at work (think: thirty-ish with a fauxhawk, no but really he is awesome) was talking about skul (that bike gang with the tall bikes) and telling us about this "mission" he was going on and i said "oh, do you know this guy so-and-so, he's in skul." and he said: "well, is that his skul name or his real name? because i would only know his skul name. in fact, no one in skul knows my real name."

"is that his skul name or his real name?" i'm going to have to say that next time someone asks me if i know someone. and it'll be really funny, at least for me.

speaking of bike gangs, i was riding to work today and somewhere around porter i heard someone scream "JAGUARS!" thanks, alex. jaguars forever.

what else? the sneakers are new, the avocados are ripe, and the tomorrow is the day off.


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