Sunday, June 19, 2005

was that three fellas, or one fella with three beards?

i've been having adventures with my best friend from kindergarten. highlights:

*running into this guy at soundbites who is both emily's long-lost friend from vassar and a bookseller at my store's rival store, and having brunch with him and his girlfriend.
*getting a free fruit plate at aforementioned brunch cos i found hair in my pancake.
*finally seeing a marx brothers movie. best ever.
*chillin' on the library roof with a socialist pedicab driver.
*cloggin' the shower drain.
*gossiping about the debate team.
*grilled cheese.
*emily vs. aaron: epic argument about anarchy.

i think she's in watertown now but maybe we'll hang out tomorrow?

today during my lunchbreak i wandered into something called "riverfest." i scored big: two pairs of fake d&g sunglasses (black, and pink), a birthday present for my cousin, some dunkin' donuts coupons, a pretty glass necklace, and cheap indian food and a mango lassi. oh and some puppet flirting. three puppets were sitting on a fence (chillin' between puppet shows?) and one puppet (i mean a dude holding a puppet, but have some fucking imagination) said to me, "your pants are very close to pink. i love pink. you are my dream girl." and it was more charming than i can express here.

i have tomorrow off but i have nothing to do. probably i'll ride bikes, goodwill, laundry like a normal sunday. unless i go on an adventure?


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