Saturday, November 26, 2005

to do/ what i missed/ what i dreamed

buy rite aid cold and flu for marissa
buy red pepper flakes for chris
bar interviews at blaggards for the last time ever
mail bar paperwork
pack bags
learn german

apparently last night when i left the bar early, i missed:
a guy in a speedo
cocksuckers vs. carpetmunchers dart tournement
another round of shitty brooklyn lager

i was at tufts and
a) i found out there was a math class i was enrolled in but never went to, so apparently, i didn't actually graduate (everyone has that dream, all the time, i know).
b) there was snow all over the ground and someone ran up to me and said "hey, it's a game! it's a contest! whoever walks without slipping and falling down WINS!" and i was thought, isn't that what people would normally be trying to do anyway?
c) the same old toothless man and broken staircase that appear in all of my dreams were there, too.


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