Friday, October 13, 2006

here is the good news part two

my birthday is soon and there will be a party on saturday the 21st. jacqueline, come! other internet friends, come! jacqueline i will make you a nest in the kitchen.

i'll go over and egg gordon's house now. got nothing better to do.

i've become such a pussy since noble came back to the states. i mean, i've lost my hanging-out-without-my-boyfriend edge. i don't know if i've lost it. but it is a little bit dull. i'm not used to spending weekends alone. see? total pussy.

hmm, eggs and nests.

alone. yes this will be my first weekend in new york without noble since his return, and it feels weird. it shouldn't feel weird. and you're never really alone if you have coffee. coffee is a friend. and friends are also friends.

coffee. i am stuck reading this book that i'm reading. it's by michelle tea. the reason i'm stuck is that the chapter i'm up to starts with a really great and elaborate description of how wonderful coffee can make you feel, so i want to save reading it for a morning when i'm drinking coffee. but mostly i read before falling asleep at night, and when i wake up i mostly don't have time to read, so i have not progressed past this chapter. tea on coffee. haHA.

okay, off to egg gordo.


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