Monday, May 16, 2005

jacqueline, are you alive?

way to update, jacqueline. but i was in a van, you say. i was in a van with beson and paul driving to cleveland and i couldn't get to a computer and i was too busy making the boys sandwiches and being in charge of the itrip to think about my blogging responsibilities.

well i guess that is as good an excuse as any. but i miss you! are you alive? did you make it to ohio? i guess i could just call you, but this is more fun.

meanwhile, things here have been eventful. quick update:

tuesday: woke up at noon to joseph knocking on my door screaming "it's the inagural ride of the jaguars!" rode downtown, joseph bought a sword. got drunk accidentally at the other side, at 3 ish. rode back. drank some coffee on the lawn. met a guy who said he was "just scopin'" on emily because she was "holdin' that coffee like it's fifty below zero. holdin' it like it's so precious it took your mother nine months to make it."

wednesday: had my last final ever, and then rode bikes to the decordova. well, we tried to get to the decordova, but we got sort of lost. so first we ended up in concord, then we found walden pond, and then we finally got to the decordova. of course, by then, it was closed. highlights of the trip: patrick riding home with his wet underwear tied to his bike, the trail that felt like dino dino jungle, the old man who said "fate has brought us together here."

thursday: photographed my poetry teacher for his new book. i hope the photos came out okay. he kept on smirking and then saying "oh god, sorry, i'm smirking again." it was really funny.

friday: good times. ice ball is exactly the same as ski ball, except it costs twice as many tokens and you win twice as many tickets.

saturday and sunday: beach party at leah's house. drank beer, grilled things, skipped rocks. slept in the middle of the room, awkwardly surrounded by four people. spent the next day cooking an incredibly elaborate breakfast and not being hungry enough to eat all of it.


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