Saturday, August 27, 2005

i always forget about how summer always has that little kick at the end...

i am home and wiped out. im scarfing a chimichanga with home made salsa. im considering giving up onthe changa and just going for the salsa that is so fucking good i could die. my mom is seriously a saint most of the time. she gave me a massive lecture on volume control just now and how sometimes its "more appropriate to not say things out loud." what she means is that shes mad at me for shit talking all of the other football players that are taking all my brother's plays on his team at the game tonight. granted, he is a running back and there are a few of those and various plays for the various RBs, but that kid has looked forward to his senior football season since he was 6. tonight was game one and he looked great. he has this amazing strut and style on the field that shows how much he loves being out there. he missed 2 blocks that i saw and bobbled a pass that he dropped, but ran in a touchdown and caught a 2 point conversion. i'll miss watching the rest of his season, a lot actually. maybe i'll fly home for a home game or something. i just wish hed be a nicer brother and stop putting the magnets on the fridge over my face in the pictures hanging up.

i feel crappy because i couldnt head over the parker lewis house tonight for the party. im so crabby i dont think they want me there anyway. for some reason zach and i stayed up well past 4 or 5, who knows bc of the time change, watching movies. we had to drive home and he didnt seem to be so tired. anyway a few things i want to remember about this trip and this summer:
-the stencil on the sidewalk that said "i don't want to be alone."
-all the butterflies fluttering around chicago and the country on the drive home.
-not to get lung cancer and to donate my body to science.
-how hard neal rules.
-the conversation that started off with a genis punch and followed with a screamed "i'm fucking....[long pause]...gonna rip your nipples off." to which i laughed really hard and he said "it's your choice, a cunt slap or nipple rip." to which i laughed harder.
-how i found the "you are beautiful" slip of paper on the sidewalk during the 30-50 mile death march to the pizza dinner.
- country music and hip hop on the radio.
-cramming into a twin bed with a boy that you really very much fancy.
-awesome text messages including a lot of "4" and "u" abbreviations.
-free chips and salsa with margaritas. mi pueblo.

i have so much to do before i can move:
-buy a desk.
-see andrew.
-call mark.
-figure out classes.
-pack all my shit.
-see body worlds II (tomorrow).
-say bye to west siders.
-finish up a package for the bff.
-hit the pool and the gym(curves).

i would pay good money for a phone conversation with beson right now. goodnight.


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