Wednesday, November 01, 2006

do you like me?

zac is in the living room drinking gin and singing to the old 97's. he is going to take a bath.

the doctor made me feel good about being single/not having a boyfriend: "oh you probably don't have time or energy for that anyway..." but i gained 9 pounds since last year.

charlotte giggled all goddamned day. apparently charlotte loves to go to cvs and she ate like a champ. we met another charlotte that was half her age (literally) at the swingset.

i made delicious salad for dinner and am excited to go to my school placement tomorrow. i missed it last week. learning in school is legit right now. lots of new information is being thrown my way and i'm *sort of* applying it to my life.

i'm off to chicago to hang with neal. we will go to lucero friday, see the christian dior collection at the chicago historical society, go to too much light..., drink beers, buy new boots, celebrate my birthday early (it's the 11th in case you wanted to come to celebrate in boston), drink beers, and generally bro.


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