Thursday, April 14, 2005

does anyone actually read this?

it occurs to me that i don't think i told anyone i have this thing, so if anyone does read this, they're probably jacqueline's friends. if you are reading this, you should leave me a comment, even if you are jacqueline's friend who i've never even met. okay? but probably the only person who'll comment will be jacqueline. that'll be funny. i'm looking forward to that.

man, i just got off work and i made a quarter in tips. a quarter! i mean, it's not like i live off tips (usually i get 2-5 dollars) but a quarter is just depressing. and it sucks that it's two in the morning and i've still got a response paper to deal with.

but to look on the brighter side of things: there is a drunk frenchman wearing a shelf-bra tanktop in my living room playing mario kart (i think it's his birthday?), and seamus bought me a new bike lock today. and i got a bunch of nice visitors at work. and i got my comic in on time last night because albert skipped the opening bands with me so we could sit in wendy's and i could finish drawing.

oh and also - i've been thinking we should start a bicycle gang, but now i have an even better idea: we should start a bicycle book club, wherein we read a book and then we have to discuss it while riding bikes and yell out our opinions over traffic noise. yes.

what should we start with? vonnegut maybe?


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