Monday, April 11, 2005

own it.

i just picked up a can of diet pepsi that had been sitting on my desk for who knows how long and drank some of it. it tasted like garbage. kind of like how the burnt caramel ice cream tastes at brown and brew, except that garbage taste is totally addicting.

i'm sitting here, writing an 18 page paper, daydreaming about the cleveland summer, nice warm weather, massive allergy attacks followed by asthma attacks, curves with bean, romantic trips to emily and omaha, mullens, driving fast, couch surfing, grandmas, los angeles smog, drinking wine out of the bottle, and passing out in front of the tv watching the nanny in my mom's bed with the dog breathing and drooling on my stomach while my mother snores beside me.

i've been on the verge of an anxiety attack all day, really my heart has just been beating fast because i've been puffing the inhaler a lot and it tricks me into thinking im about to flip out. i haven't although the stress of it has left me with minor back pain and a couple of knots in my shoulders. nothing a little acupuncture can't take care of.


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