Monday, July 11, 2005

let's pick the hottest day ever and ride bikes so much, ok? ok.

so it was almost ninety degrees today and me and chris rode from ...

newton to jp (to see the trees with the labels)
jp to newton (i left my stuff at his house)
newton to medford (to make the guacamole)
medford to brookline village (dinner party with a lot of socialists)
brookline village to copley (open mic)

and then i went home cos i have work early tomorrow, so
copley to medford

i am listening to "you don't know my name" right now. that song where she calls that guy who comes into her restaurant. best ever. you always order the special ... with the hot chocolate.

highlights of today:
-alex calling me while i'm passing through harvard to say "ha you're so much faster than chris."
-blueberry iced coffee at dunkin donuts, which tastes exactly as gross as it should taste
-a lot of trees

megan and aaron just came home from flury's house and i said hey how was flury's house? megan said eh it was ok. only ok? well, said megan, all they did was talk about prog rock songs. sounds about right.

ok now i have to go to sleep. work tomorrow. lamest.

ps: i was packing my lunch and we were out of normal cheese, so i just made a sandwich with romano cheese. this might have been a big mistake. we'll see tomorrow. i think it might be disgustingly salty.


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