Saturday, July 02, 2005

you have a head like a turnip. i've always hated turnips.

the triplets of belleville is the best ever (i just watched it, in honor of the tour de france). they play the refrigerator like an instrument and they pop the baby tadpoles like popcorn kernels. and the dog dreams in black and white about riding on the elevated train that goes past the window where the people all bark at him. so good.

less good but somewhat good is howl's moving castle, which i saw last night. it's very pretty, and i like the landscapes and also the fire when it eats the eggshells, but it sort of doesn't have a point and it ends with the princess kissing everything for no reason. wait, was she actually a princess? eh whatevs.

i am very sleepy because i was up late last night riding bikes (my bike works again! and so well! gears! i have gears! that are different from each other!) and then i worked all day.

marissa said that when she gets home to ny from chicago tomorrow, she'll see how she feels about being around her parents, and if the vibe is not so good, she will get on the chinatown bus and come hang out with me for a while. i hope she comes.

i have no work tomorrow. so i'll
a) write cover letters
b) ride bikes
c) read the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay

i have a feeling "a)" is not going to happen.


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