Tuesday, July 19, 2005

no, you must be don francisco's sister

today i mentioned something from "without feathers," and this dude i work with got really excited and quoted woody allen movies for the rest of the night. constantly. it was awesome. i think he was disappointed in my woody allen quoting abilities. that's ok; he made enough references for the both of us.

also, there were jelly beans at work. because of harry potter. woo harry potter omg.

i'm back! i was in new york for a few days and it was fun. highlights include:
-catching the end of broken social scene
-dinosaur jr covering the cure!
-"soul" "chicken" and lambic ale with marissa
-adam beating me at scrabble
-word games on the train to coney island, adam laughing at the word "pagina" before marissa could make "paginate"
-mates of state being ridiculously cute
-the ocean
-the cyclone!
-sophie calle gallery exhibit
-japan society exhibit

i had a really nice dream about a baby rabbit last night. it had floppy ears and it was drinking milk.

today sort of sucked. boston is not usually considered tropical, but there was definitely what can only be called a monsoon. was i riding bikes in it? yes, i was. also i forgot my wallet and i got weird blue stains on my clothes from bag + rain, and i spent the morning at the hospital finally getting my deformed little finger x-rayed.

i'm trying not to get too excited about a certain job opportunity type thing. ok enough about that.

ok it's time for dinner.


Blogger jacqueline said...

dinosaur jr is playing here tonight for like 26$. f that. im going to see my pals play pop punk for less than 5$ and i'll probably get drunk for free in the meantime. SWEET DUDE.

AMY, how is your finger? patty is so sorry for pushing you in the snow???

OMG i had the CRAZIEST CONVO with one ms. emily e. monen. call for the update. asap. it rules. i need your update as well. im sure that rules too.

12:36 PM  

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