Monday, August 29, 2005

you know you've had a rowdy night dancing when...

you wake up with
1. one half less toe nail.
2. a ripped skirt.
3. a leg scrape.

those boys rocked my world last night. i don't think i have ever had that much fun dancing. we looked like idiots, the worst dancers on the face of the planet, but we owned it. we fucking owned it.

my highlight is leaving half drunk at 2:30 followed by ryan dunn from jackass. his girlfriend was wearing overalls which i did not support, but whatever. andrew told him he looks thinner in real life and managed to pick me up baby style and carry me down the street saying "hump it, hump it." im really surprised no one broke any bones.

the most exciting thing is that antonio maybe would come to boston to show his italian cousin "america." which would be a fun visit. andrew also agreed to come if beth ever came which is AMAZING.


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