Wednesday, May 10, 2006

nocturne al

1. too bad about the jacqueline-free weekend, but i'll see you soon enough babydoll. make that two handjobs.


3. i got acupuncture for the first time yesterday. here's a tip: don't move your legs when there are needles in them! no! not even if they are itchy or something.

4. carly ptak invited herself over to dinner monday night and it was delightful. i made seitan green bean curry and i still have leftovers. i think she talked my roommate into dropping out of college.

5. i invited calvin johnson to the party on saturday. he can't make it, but he wrote back telling us to "DANCE ON!"

6. today i got a mailbox key so you can now START SENDING PRESENTS.

7. last night me and three other editorial assistants all dreamed about puppies.

8. i am learning to drive! slowly! but! surely!

9. emily left a streetcar named desire on my pillow so i read it on the way to and from steph's party on saturday. it was amazing. now i want to see the movie, and read it again, and build a subway that connects bushwick with parkslope so i don't have to detour through manhattan.

10. lightning bolt was good. geoff is good at initiating conversations that consist solely of lightning bolt riffs.


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