it is finally cold enough to wear my expensive boots.
my auntie joy has outslept me today even though i am sick with a cold and cough. its the worst being sick because i always get depressed and wish i had some companion to take care of me. i woke up sad and missing justin this morning because i realize it has been a month and a half since we broke up - we don't talk and i find myself missing things that i'm not sure i'm entitled to miss. i felt pathetic for not being over it yet and emily said to me "it doesn't matter how long you were dating him, or how long you weren't dating him. you love him." maybe it was a little more dislike than love.
even though im sick and feeling babyish, i'm toughening up. toughening up as we speak! as i eat this apple pie for breakfast! i'm not even wearing socks even though my feet are freezing because i am that tough! i am tough enough that i'm hardly studying for a huge and hard exam monday! tough enough that i will probably wear a dress through the cold with a cold to maureen's play and then go party after on my bike to jp! tough enough that i wiped out on my bike two days ago and sustained only a few bruises! (that is the first crash that i haven't ended up in the hospital!) tough to say it was a little more dislike than love becasue that's a lie! tough enough that i tell you "good luck, get fucked," in closing!
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