Friday, September 30, 2005

werner herzog mystery

can somebody please tell me what kind of animal klaus kinski is holding in aguirre: wrath of god when he's all like "this animal is never actually awake, it sleeps its way through life"? what the fuck is it? hint: it's definitely not a capybara.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the new animal collective is the best thing ever.

i have to teach a fake five minute lesson. what should i teach it on?

could everyone please come back to america, please?

okay sweet.

plus delta

+first day working with the cutest rats ever.
+good weather outside.
+class is out early.
+my hardest day of the week is going quickly.
+first training day! i get to meet my team.
-my ipod is broken.
-i haven't been sleeping well.
-my lymph node is swollen so i may be getting sick.
-the coffee i paid 1.60 for this morning tastes like water.
-that picture didn't work so here is the link.

Monday, September 26, 2005

my feet stink.

i had jumpstart training all weekend. it was good and bad but mostly good. good like 'somewhere over the rainbow.'

i cracked down on work and got most of my week's homework done in a few hours today. i made some hummus and did a couple of internet postings for school. i have pms and cramps.i also want the posted tote bag.

Friday, September 23, 2005


from an im with lex...

amy: i was on the train last night
amy: and these four black guys were having a conversation and i missed the beginning of this one guys sentence but it ended with "yeah that's what those asian niggas always be doin"
amy: and then i guess i sort of looked up at them
amy: cos i'd never heard the phrase "asian niggas" before
amy: and one smiled at me and said
amy: "we ALL racist, you know"
lex: hahahahahaha
lex: yeah you white niggas are trippin

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

shuttle bus

i just got home from my friend's apartment in brooklyn because the L train is sick so i had to take this weird "shuttle bus" that we thought would never come. but then it came.

he showed me his new place: partially built stairs up to the loft part, thirteen items just bought from the 99 cents store, plumbing that needs to be installed, a lot of furniture and things stolen from smfa. i liked his neighborhood: two (real) cats chasing each other, a (fake) white horse nuzzling up against a white van in a vacant lot, cake factories and pie factories, and ice cream trucks that play this song that sounds like it could be deerhoof and then at the end of the song it goes "hello!" we talked for a long time and it was just like five years ago, when we would talk for a long time.

i just foud out i got an interview with the teaching fellows program. maybe i will become an english teacher? yes?

Monday, September 19, 2005

what did you expect?

i've been too emotional for my own good. i've worked myself into numerous unfounded jealous rages lately. i don't get it. and my allergies have been wicked bad. how are yours? because i'm going through like 15 kleenexes a day, crying when i dont tell my eyes to, and 2/3 puffs of inhaler a day. it stinks.

i did see a really cute golden retriever today that cautiously stalked a squirrel and attacked at seemingly the right moment, but just missed. it was so happy like kifli and even had a cute little bandana on like she usually does. if golden retriever's aren't your favorite kind of dog, then there's probably something wrong with you.

i think im coming home in two weekends. yep.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

the moon

tonight i went to a party with a lot of people i didn't know. on the way home, i passed a man with a two huge telescopes and binoculars, all set up on tripods on the street corner. he was looking at the moon. it's a full moon tonight (or at least very close to full?). he let everyone look at the moon, and he told us about the glass beads on the surface that form when really big meteorites hit. there were two tall men with accents, a couple in sweatshirts, and a short man with livestrong bracelets, and me. the moon was beautiful.

Friday, September 16, 2005

makin me itch.

i painted the stairs today, on the most humid day of the entire year. i don't really have anything to do right now so i figured i'd do this.

my feet are ruined from bike riding and uncomfortable shoes. we're talking torn up.

tomorrow i have nothing to do and it's going to probably rain all day. bumout. i'll watch freaks and geeks and maybe arrested development. want to join me?

Monday, September 12, 2005

ps it's really fucking hot.

how can my life rule and suck so hard at the same goddamned time?

i have to watch a movie for homework.
i have to write a letter and a thank you note.
i have to buy push pins and binder clips.
i have to spend more time on the internet sending emails.

i'll unlock the door and step inside/ put the bags right down beside the door and start to cry.


all i want to do is listen to that song over and over again. "i've begun to hate the ceiling like i never loved the sky."

it has come to my attention that there are rumors circulating that i have a "job." this is almost true. i have an unpaiiiiid internship. in fact, i had my first day at my internship today and it seems like it's going to be pretty sweet. it's at a small academic press downtown, the people are nice, and they let me do lots of stuff.

it is part time so i guess i could get a part time job, too, to pay for living expenses and such. that, or get real serious about making my lunch and maybe learn how to make my own beer? or bathtub gin?

so. i'd recently been spending all my time with this one boy i like a lot, and i said goodbye to him yesterday. and now he is far away, and it feels strange not to be sharing what i'm eating with him and not to be waking up next to him. and next week he will be very, very far away. for a long time. it's stupid.

so i am lonely and in the city and i don't feel like i know the city anymore. i need someone to show me around brooklyn and be bike pals with me. i need to unpack all the boxes in the living room and find my alarm clock and other important things.

"just take me to the country and some trees/ take me with you."

a very incomplete list of things that i've done since i last wrote here:
*saw fucking merzbow
*dia beacon
*hiked around in a rhode island state park looking for finnish musicians
*found them
*rode a really small mountain bike around albany suburbs
*slept in a radio station
*saw of montreal ... again

we totally beached it today. there were mussel, clam, crab, and fish remains everywhere, as well as an intense amount of seaweed in the water. that katrina hates everyone.

it was strangely refreshing to see little girls digging through piles of dead things only to carry around dead and rotting crabs like barbie dolls and to see little boys body boarding like they are grown-ups only shorter and with cuter swim trunks.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

last year, last night, i'm tired, lets fight.

i'm starting to get my life figured out.

hey, lets go to the beach!
or ride our bikes!
or lay in bed drinking gin!
or just sit in the grass!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


i'm jammin to the dillenger four. amy says sorry for not posting. her life is totally nuts. she's in new york, chillin with friends and apparently working. is this true?

my ass hurts from my bike seat. and is it a good idea to ride bikes in a skirt, beacause i just did it!!

lots of logistical stuff to work out with the apartment, and work, and school.
don't ask about boys. don't ask about drinking habits or eating habits.
see yous,