Monday, February 27, 2006

ps: amy wants a bong as a housewarming gift. she also needs some kind of pet.

the next few days are going to be so busy. i am babysitting, trying to get work done in anticipation of spending the whole weekend with zach (nearly 5 days!), trying to feed myself, keep my room clean, and be prepared for my evaluation next week.

atleast last night i got drunk and took a million pictures of myself by myself, and with other people. emily's computer is so cool. and her videos are pretty good. the music is just great. things are just great!

Friday, February 24, 2006

female, please.

me: see you in seven days! (excited voice)
zach: yep. i'm excited. (faking voice)
me: will you kiss me on the mouth? (playful voice)
zach: if you're lucky. (asshole voice)
me: fuck you. goodnight. (irritated voice)
zach: i love you. goodnight. (loving voice)
me: i love you too. bye. (sincere voice)
zach: bye. (nice voice)
me: click
zach: click

Thursday, February 23, 2006

this week isn't shaping up to be the best. i've had to deal with a lot emotionally. i wish i didn't care about things so much. i'm not really looking forward to the weekend. i don't think there's really anything going on, so i may be a shut in, and work on my tryptic and watch nature documentaries. i'm going to bed. talk tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the lift is always full of piss/ the fifth floor landing smells of fish

(not just on friday. every single other day.)

guess what? i'm moving to bushwick. if you don't know, that's in brooklyn, just to the right of where the hipsters live.

the roommates are good. one is in a bluegrass band, the other one once painted his room argyle. argyle? "yeah, grey and green diamonds, with gold stitching."

so this means two things:

1. i win! i don't actually ever have to clean my room! i can just put everything in boxes!
2. come visit!

Monday, February 20, 2006

it's been refreshing...

...i have been reminded that some people do stay the same. it is easy to get stuck thinking "oh people change" as an excuse for their actions, or your own. hes the same friend that i loved when i was 15 that i still love now. we are dead serious and we are hilarious. you never know when you'll catch us. we have the same dynamic and it's easy to neglect.

...and house shows are still house shows. they are made or broken based on who is around, and how you feel. there are so many variables and the atmosphere is hard to control. you never know who will show, and what drama will go down. there was nothing but giggles and i really had to hold back tears last night. i wanted to sit smushed on a couch watching wasted boys wail on guitars and upright bass with my feet numb forever. i really admire people with musical talent. it is really an amazing thing.

...i feel normal filling the house with typewriter noises. i've indulged myself and it finally feels good. make it what you will.

famous people i feel good about

the fact that david byrne calls missy elliott one of his role models pretty much blows my mind, and makes me want to have dinner with the two of them sometime, because that would be the best thing ever. when i say dinner, i might mean sex. i might not, but i might.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

what i say

what i say is just get a fucking apartment so i can come visit you and we can have a sleepover.

today has been the greatest day. i found out this morning that tufts will be paying me more money to do jumpstart. keith and friends are coming in tonight. katie is here. i just got zach a plane ticket to visit in exactly 2 weeks, then 2 weeks after that we're going on a beach vacation. also yesterday i had so much fun babysitting, and also recieved all the medications i have not had for a few weeks. the medicine delivery was like christmas - i feel so much better today.

i am going to lay in bed, eat potatoes, and read books for fun (astronomy and short stories). can my life get any better?

Friday, February 17, 2006

won't lend your books/ but there's dust on your hegel

HEY. does anyone want to live with me in new york? or does anyone know anyone who wants to live with me in new york? i am awesome. and i am serious. my potential roommate has decided she is too poor to get a place anytime soon, and while she is probably right, i am still bummed out that now i do not have a potential roommate. so if you have friends in new york and they are awesome and need me to live with them, LET ME KNOW. okay? THANKS.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

it could be simple

i am incredibly frustrated today by the most innane things. most of these things don't matter in the long run but seem to be complicating the immediate future. i have a lot of work today and i've been a pretty bad student so far in the semester. maybe i can catch up this weekend, or even maybe tonight. too bad i have 4 movies to watch. i mean they are for fun but i want to watch all of them. esp. plue planet and the other one from hollywood express. i've got it together - sort of.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ok ok

i'm here. i was in maine for the weekend and it was really fun/relaxing. right now im exhausted. i woke up at 6 to write a paper. i decided to go sledding instead of write it last night, so then i went to bed and had to get up to do it. we had glow sticks and brown bagged wine. what can i say-my life is fun.

i have a headache and am going to take a 2 hour nap. then i have jumpstart. and it's valentines day. really the only reason i like the day is because ireally like pink and red, and i really like them clashing together. what can i say-my life is fun.


JACQUELINE are you dead?

if blockbuster charges me twenty dollars for returning the aristocrats five minutes late, i will kill somebody. that movie was terrible, and i think i returned it late because i wanted to forget i ever rented it/watched it.

happy valentines day, mu'fuckers!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

i wrote it all down

i've become monen, in that i can't stop writing every fucking thing that happens down in a small book. i'm not planning a screenplay, though, i'm planning ... umm ... i haven't even thought about that. the easy answer is poems, but you can't talk about writing poetry without sounding retarded. try it. see?

also, i got kidnapped by the gresh-sorluccos and they sent me home from jersey with 350 songs burned on a dvd, a huge bag of clothes that geoff's mom picked out twenty years ago that fit me perfectly (and we have the same exact taste? come on, that is weird, because this is my stupid taste in clothes we're talking about. i'm wearing a turnip vest right now. AND this is only second-dibs, cos sharon got first-dibs.) other gresh-sorlucco spoils include: chicken salad sandwich, six hours of weird stories about prostitutes and landladies and earthquakes on stage while performing cabaret in tokyo (WHAT?), sweatshirt too small for geoff, borrowed boots, quality time with two nice cats and a ninja cat, and quality time with fucking katamari!!! (34 of the 350 songs on that dvd are the two katamari soundtracks).

i have to sleep, now. i am overstimulated.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

my new band

me and adam are starting an indie pop band called the lacanian gays. think glammed-up indie pop with lyrics from lacanian tracts. think me dressed as a man, playing the bass. think adam in eyeshadow (hey it looked good on patrick, but adam is a different colored horse, i believe), singing sweetly. we have two songs so far: "oh, freud" and "sing from the back." check out our myspace page.

in other news, i need to start sleeping more.

Monday, February 06, 2006

amy, i miss you already. ferris even said "man, things feel better when amy is around." it's true. quit your job and move into my room. don't get lost on the way here.

those pies were for real good. i have all kinds of stupid stuff that i have to do today and i really dont even want to do them. id rather eat/bake pies/order everyone guys around.

i'll keep this short

right before i fell asleep last night, i remember thinking about how i used the same odd word three times yesterday, but i can't remember the word.

after watching it yesterday, i think brokeback mountain is one of the few movies i felt totally okay spending ten dollars on recently.

after eating " ," i think red bean mochi ice cream " " desserts " " one dollar on recently.

boston was so fun. i'd never baked so many pies, or slept so little and felt so okay. thanks guys.

okay today's my first day of work. i'm gonna go WORK HARD. bye.