Monday, October 31, 2005

help me with this mix tape

so, can anyone think of some more songs about therapists?

so far i've got:
*james/ "laid" (my therapist said not to see you no more)
*greenday/ "basketcase" (i went to a shrink to analyze my dreams)
*moldy peaches/ "lazy confessions" (i think you're pretty/ my shrink says i'm witty)
*magnetic fields/ "i don't want to get over you" (i could listen to my therapist/ pretend you don't exist)

i know there must be more?

i forgot the spell

i really need to watch bedknobs and broomsticks. i think that was my favorite movie for a while. but i haven't seen it since i was tiny. i don't know what made me think of it. maybe i'll watch it when i get home? i forgot what the magic words they have to say are. something -um, something -um and something -us sapis di? or something? wow, that looks stupid. but you know what i'm talking about. or maybe i'll wait and watch it in medford with megan so we can sing "portobello road" together. yeah.

you're all the same.

it is beautiful today.
clevo was fun. michael's team lost bad to solon, but he looked cute. he let me interview him for a class too. mb wasn't so happy to see me, nor was she happy when i made her say b-nanas, and b-ologna. mom and i got drunk at a football party and at a 3rd grade halloween party. i missed my plane yesterday morning and had to take the later flight. my dad was pissed.

what else is new? oh nothing. i have to go to the doctor. see yous.

happy halloween. i will be a bat tonight.

i work really hard

so i had this temp job wherein i got sent out on a lot of errands, and yesterday, my errands took me to tasha's house, where i drank hot chocolate and ate mango and heard about how her boyfriend didn't get her a ticket to the nine inch nails concert, and today, my errands took me to the west village, where i watched little kids trick or treat and then bought some boots. yeah errands! the job's over now, and i am loaded. seriously loaded. na not really.

emily and anne came to visit and last night we went to a party in brooklyn with a lot of ballerinas and nyu freshmen and patrick's little brother. emily woke up this morning in an nyu dorm room decorated with bob marley posters and a beer pong table. emily wins.

did anybody else get yellow packages of "butter crunch" cookies in their school lunch as a kid? i found a deli that sells them for 40 cents. they're amazing.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


yesterday i experienced a brief period of antisocial behavior. i left the party, came home, furiously glued paper, fell down the stairs, and subsequently had a panic attack.

i am going home for the weekend by flying on x fares on airtran. i need to decompress.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

i have asthma and for the last few years it has posed no problem to me. right now, i fucking hate my lungs and want to rip them out of my chest. i also want to scream at my comparative physiology professor that does nothing other than talk about respiration. he always says "humans don't do anything particularly well when you look at other animals." i feel as though "i don't do something well when i look at other humans." fucking bullshit. im tired of medicine and im tired of it not working.

other than that, today i slept in until 2, made and ate french toast, went to someday, got prescriptions, went to class, had an asthma attack, chilled out in the comp. lab, went to class, came home, chowed a hot potato, talked to patrick about his skewed idea of "natural foods," and am about to go to sabrina's going away party. my life rules.


how does it feel to be the youngest, brokest people at the carlyle hotel bar?


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

my two favorite adams

to your left, adam peltz, future editor, scrutinizes an artisianal apple.

and to your right, adam brown, whose life changed dramatically when kurt vonnegut spoke to him in a dream, is surprised to find a moustache growing on the normally hirsuite door of 24 dearborn.

i'm a god-damn genius.

hump it

am i allowed to eat in here? fuck it.

the weather is shitty, my umbrella broke, the store would not take it back even though it is like a week old, my preschool is flooded, my armpits are sweaty and for some reason this is all intensely comical. my entire day yesterday was also quite comical but i will not hash all of that out, instead i just wrote it in an email to elizabeth and laughed pretty hard as i was writing it.

i am worried about zach. he is either dead or he really hates me. i dont even really mind if he hates me, i just do not want him to be dead. zach, if you are reading this, stop fucking around and write me a one word email at minimum so i know that you did not get caught up in some local drug deal and got shot on the street. would your parents call me if something serious did happen to you? i dont know.

my last and final most important message to the public:
happy birthday to amy, and fuck school.

Monday, October 24, 2005

my birthday's not even until tomorrow

but so far i've gotten:

+ a phone call from lex saying "i love you, you're my wife forever"
+ a dvd player!
+ some money
+ a subscription to the believer

i had a job interview today! keep your fingers crossed. in addition, i went to a bird store and looked at parakeets.

china, i'm sending you a letter today.
germany, have fun on your first day of classes.
somerville, how about i visit you around november 12th? i hear there's gonna be a fucking huge party on electric avenue??

Sunday, October 23, 2005

we run this

this weekend has been productively successful. i haven't had much fun though. i've been sick, the weather has been crappy, and i've been cranky. i think its just what i needed though.

i will spend the next hour gluing paper onto other paper.

amy, i heard you had fun with patty. doesn't his hair look cute right now? it's the perfect length.

Friday, October 21, 2005

this is going to be the best nap ever

i'm so psyched.

in other news: the apple crisp is now officially gone, thanks to geoff and his friend who came over and ate it last night. topics of conversation included "technology" and "boobs." we also watched the movie we made in tenth grade (eleventh grade?) where evan ryan yells "MOOOther!"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

my new hobby

is reading the rooms/shares ads on craigslist and looking at the pictures and fantasizing about moving to brooklyn.

also my new hobby is coming within 20 points of adam's score in scrabble but still not beating him.

also my new hobby is going to sleep.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

current events:

-bathroom ceiling cave in.
-comparative physiology exam.
-increased jumpstart intensity.
-dilemma regarding thanksgiving travel.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

so i'm just about to go to bed

and then at one-thirty in the morning i'm gripped with this sudden understanding of how necessary it is that i download "coffee & t.v." and "stay fly." immediately. it becomes clear i will simply not be able to sleep until i hear blur and three six mafia.

this is really bizarre.

apple crisp party tomorrow. it's exactly what it sounds like. if you're in new york, you should come.

Monday, October 17, 2005


i had a fun weekend. i went shopping yesterday. perhaps i will post pictures of my new booties. they are shiny and white and completely inappropriate for fall, but i like them. yesterday i had a feeling of autonomy, but today i am just tired. it's midterm time. wish me luck.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

my alter-ego

at my internship, i still use the company email address and passwords of the previous intern, so i sign all my emails like this:

Audrey Uong
Editorial Acquisitions

or sometimes:

All the best,

it's very strange. i don't know audrey personally, but i do read her xanga journal (what do you expect, i got her old computer):

today, there was a seven year old running around the office. children really like to xerox things.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


amy has mice, we have ants. it put me spiraling downward into an unnecessary flip out at my housemates and their cleaning abilities.

mb called me today and it was so cute. apparently she really likes swing music a lot seeing as it's her favorite kind that she's learned about in her music history class. she said she has a test as well. she calls because she can't get the kitchen phone to work to call my mom, but for some reason it works to call me. i'm definately okay with that.

i also have a new research position. it is in the language and cognition lab and tomorrow i get to practice putting ERP caps and gel on peoples scalps. i'm actually really very excited about this. perhaps we will learn something about french/english bilingual brain activity when we fake them out. i feel like i am contributing to the world. i used to think the most effective.only way to contribute was with art, which i dont do much of besides personal crafts, but i think that institutional research is probably more important.

we're all getting along quite swimmingly aren't we? we each have our own things we must do but we manage to find time for our collectively enjoyed hobbies together. i should bite my tongue after this bought of bad luck i've had, but maybe i'm on the upswing?


these lists are mostly so i can keep track...

books i've read so far this fall.
*wild sheep chase/ murakami
*the duino elegies/ rilke
*the mysteries of pittsburgh/ chabon
*rosie/ lamott
*the education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N
*dance dance dance/ murakami

live music so far this fall.
*deerhoof/ northsix
*decemberists/ webster hall
*finnish people/ anthology film archives

movies seen so far this fall.
*aguirre wrath of god
*i heart huckabees
*the squid and the whale
*brown bunny
*before sunset
*i'm forgetting a lot of them, aren't i?

reasons i'm looking forward to cold weather.
*actually that's all i can think of

okay, now the intern has some work to attend to. good-day!

we have mice

my mom is freaking out about it, but i think they're cute. they're small baby mice, and they scramble around and they're a pretty dark brown color. we put humane traps all over the place, but the mice are snubbing our peanut butter. my dad says if he catches one, he'll take it to central park.

i like having the mice around.

i can overhear my dad trying to calm my mom down. he said "it's foraging, for goodness sake, honey."

i got another postcard from the one and only emily good today. in it, she says she met a girl at a "bike church" in california who reminds her of me. of course emily good would be at a bike church in california. what the hell is a bike church? i wish i knew where she was so i could write back.

thanks for the love,

but i will be needing more of it.

i fell off my bike, hard! hit my head, elbow, abdomen, back, and upper arms. i had to go to the emergency room today and the good news is that i don't have a concussion. the bad news is that i cannot drink for a week. they also told me not to eat. no beer and no food. how will i survive?

on and on... i have so much work to catch up on. my video camera is due back to the ed dept but im a day late after getting like a 4 day extension. shoot.


Monday, October 10, 2005

zombies dont wake up until 2:30 pm.

it's been rough lately. i feel like vomitting.

pals, if you love me, act like it.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

so hungarian right now

i'm baking pogacsa for my dad's birthday. he will eat them and get all nostalgic for "the old country." even though he was born in upstate new york.

they are in the oven now! they smell good!

this is the second time i've smelled chocolate tonight. the first time was maybe more interesting? i went to a performance art festival my friend was helping out with and there was a woman there who put on a pair of big yellow rubber boots and then filled them up with m&ms. then she stepped into a tub of boiling water, and the chocolate melted a bit, and then she jumped rope and played soccer, and finally, she took a saw and sawed off the toes of the boots, and the room started to smell like chocolate. her calves were rainbow colored when she was done.

i think it's really funny that haruki murakami has his narrator meet an author named hiraku makimura in dance dance dance. anagrams should be more popular. they're just great. i am pro-anagram.

i just got into a really weird argument with my mother... she wants me to skip work for yom kippur, and i don't want to, because i'm not actually religious, and don't observe yom kippur. basically, what it comes down to is that we both think it's important that people be allowed to practice (or not practice) any religion they want to, only for her that means i should assert my jewishness and skip work for the high holidays, and for me that means i should do whatever i want to.

oh man the pogacsa are done. i even made an octo-pogacsa, but it only has three tentacles.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


living on the dull, dead upper east side is so much more bearable when your favorite gay jew is back from turkey and weird cocktails at sawoy are half-price. had a much needed drink with adam tonight; he complained about not having a job and not knowing what he wants to do and being rejected by a hot israeli. i complained about similar things, although i guess israelis are not causing me any trouble. look on the bright side, you know?

things are ok. i'm getting real anxious to move into an apartment of my own. that needs to happen soon.

oh and best thing ever: last weekend i went to a hardcore show in sunset park. people walked up to the door and said "this is like the suburbs" and it was. there was vegan bbq and a lot of greek people. someone put they might be giants on the stereo at 3 am. i'm not sure who it was, but will they marry me?

happy new year.

"we're still at home but we'll be leaving soon i think."

how nice it is to have a "home" here rather than a "dorm" or an "on campus house" or the "arts haus."

my hair is up and it's thursday. i have to babysit tomorrow, but i'm off to sabrina's and then to a bar tonight. the weather is so nice! you can't even handle it? i know!

i wrote two letters today. i want to write two more tomorrow.

preschool was amazing today. amazing.

i'm fucking tired.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

even when we're ugly, we're cute.

when i had pneumonia, i went to a party and amy and i took a cute picture and captioned it "even when we're ugly, we're cute." too bad we don't have it scanned onto the internet.

im in a daze. the best kind of daze that one could be in. i've had a good day.

indian food was amazing tonight even though i have heartburn.

i should do some work. my legs are tired. too much bikes.

remind me to call zach back.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

sugar we're going down.

patrick's computer nearly caught fire today. he just sat there holding the wires and calling my name.

i have to brush my teeth before i go out. i had plans of three parties, but they have gone by the wayside. looks like im off to ferris' and that's it. it is her birthday tomorrow. greg comes home a week from tomorrow.