so today during my lunchbreak, i was eating my sandwich on the grass, and this creepy old guy was smiling at me. "oh man, creepy old guy," i thought. but then i stopped myself: "amy, don't assume the old guy is creepy. maybe he's just smiling cos he's happy. don't be so cynical." so i go back to my lunch and ten minutes later he's still staring at me. "oh man, i was right the first time. avoid eye contact avoid eye contact."
anyway, i go back to work and forget about it. work continues to be chill. four hours of running around and answering questions about books and running around and then i leave and as i'm going to get my bike, the same creepy guy runs up next to me and says "oh, hey! i owe you an apology for something."
"um, no, you don't," i say.
"yes i do: i lost your phone number."
"no, you didn't." (oh my god he's crazy.)
"well, see, i've been time-traveling, and in the past, you and i were friends, and you stopped calling me because you thought i was annoying."
i'm overwhelmed. first, i think he's talking about the MIT time-travel convention. then i realize he's just fucking crazy.
he continues, "so i need your phone number."
"no, you don't." i say very quickly, while walking very quickly.
"okay. i can accept that. it was worth a try." and then i dart into a shoe store to end the conversation just in case it wasn't ending.
then i end up looking at shoes for half an hour, which causes me to get on my bike just as the first raindrops were falling. i end up riding home in a fucking monsoon and arrive home saturated with rainwater and coated in a fine layer of grit. did i mention i was wearing a skirt? i walk in the door and megan says, "oh! you look really sad! but, in a funny way!" exactly.